Tesla Kontrol Sistemleri, Proses Otomasyonu, Güç&Enerji Otomasyonu, Fabrika Otomasyonu, Robotik, Proses Enstrümantasyonu,

Anahtar Teslim Projeler, Mühendislik, Elektrik Panoları, Nesnelerin İnterneti-Veri Analizi Çözümleri, Elektrifikasyon, Denizli Tesla Kimya, Enerji,

Çimento & Maden, Su Ve Atık Su, Tesla Kontrol Sistemleri Gıda, Petrol & Gaz, Denizli Otomotiv


It was established as Tesla Control Systems, which produces solutions in process control technologies, with 10 years of experience in the sector.
Since the establishment of TKS, which was established with a sustainable quality understanding, we have been conducting solution partnerships in projects with the products and technologies of local and global companies that are experts in their fields.

By constantly following the technological developments, we offer solutions that are suitable for the needs, that can be easily managed and that require minimum maintenance in the next processes.
Since our establishment, we have gained experience in many different sectors, and we have brought the most up-to-date systems to our industry, which we can provide our customers with maximum benefit in the sector.

To be a top player in the digitalizing world by producing high value-added products and facilities in the field of industrial processes.

We are here to reflect our professional sufficiency together with our commercial responsibility in our activity range in order to gain always high quality, the best solutions and to add value to all the people who are making business with us.

"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success."
                                                                                                                                                                Henry Ford

Based on the idea above, we take care to establish relationships with our customers, suppliers and teammates based on trust, in accordance with the understanding of ethics and honesty, that will create awareness in quality.

Business Ethics
We build all relations with customers, global partners, sub-suppliers, the community and with our team on an ethical and legal basis. 
We act always honestly, fairly and transparently and we keep our promises.
We take care to establish a sustainable business relationship with our customers and global partners as well as our sub-suppliers and we do not compromise on reliability.
We comply with national and international laws, regulations and values, respect the business life of our customers and their company policies and strive to work in maximum compliance in all our projects.
Quality As a Way of Life
We adopt the quality as a way of life and reflect this approach to what we serve, what we offer, what we design to our customers.
Creativity and Continuous Improvement
We consider creative thinking as the source of our value-added works thanks to our dynamic staff fully open to improvements so we constantly improve our knowledge and competencies with necessary updates in technology. 
Team Work
We collaborate with our customers, global partners, suppliers and staff in all our projects in line with common goals and share both performance responsibility and pride of success at the completion of work. 
Customer Relationship
The continuity of a company and its growth with increasing momentum is directly proportional with the number of Satisfied Customers it has. 
Our goal is not to provide a one-time service to our customers but to establish continuous relations and to be the preferred solution partner of our customers with confidence whenever they might require.

Our goal; Being aware of the quality expectation of our customers, we constantly update ourselves with technological developments and to maintain the rising momentum of our product and service quality. The most important factor that will enable us to reach our quality target is our employees. In this regard, our colleagues are provided with the necessary training and support to follow technological developments with a sustainable quality understanding, to improve themselves for the products and systems we offer, commissioning, technical support and after-sales services.

“Great successes are never accomplished by one person but by a team. "
                                                                                                                                             Steve Jobs

Your solution partner in digitalization!

Tesla Control Systems

Tesla Control Systems

Tesla Control Systems continues to grow in a sustainable way day by day, together with its solution partners, by offering innovative solutions with its strong and dynamic engineer staff.

Years of Experience
Successfully Completed Project
Corporate Customer