Tesla Kontrol Sistemleri, Proses Otomasyonu, Güç&Enerji Otomasyonu, Fabrika Otomasyonu, Robotik, Proses Enstrümantasyonu,

Anahtar Teslim Projeler, Mühendislik, Elektrik Panoları, Nesnelerin İnterneti-Veri Analizi Çözümleri, Elektrifikasyon, Denizli Tesla Kimya, Enerji,

Çimento & Maden, Su Ve Atık Su, Tesla Kontrol Sistemleri Gıda, Petrol & Gaz, Denizli Otomotiv

Factory Automation

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Factory Automation

Factory automation is an automation system that aims to reduce the manpower in production and switch to digital control systems and highlight the factory in the sector with high efficiency and competitive costs. By ensuring the integration and communication of different processes in the factory; The general purpose of factory automation is to associate product inputs and outputs correctly, to be able to observe and control every stage of production, and to provide industry-specific automation solutions. Some of the advantages of digital transformation in the factory;

  • To increase the speed of production
  • Ensuring the product standard by reducing the error rate
  • To minimize the problems and malfunctions encountered and to offer fast solutions
  • To reduce the risks of personnel accidents and injuries
  • To reduce personnel expenses
  • General condition control with detailed system analysis
  • Monitoring the system remotely and providing instant data exchange

In a factory, it is very important for the sustainability of the system that the production lines or processes are completely flexible, and every equipment can be controlled and monitored. With the SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) structure, which is frequently preferred in automation systems, the whole production line, one or more processes and the meaningful equivalents of all kinds of analog and digital signals in this process, the diagnostic data of the devices and other data related to the process can be understood thanks to the graphic design. and usable display and control of the system can be done.

Thanks to the SCADA structure, production and processes are observed and controlled from a single point, and the factory ultimately provides a serious profit with its advantages in time, cost and quality.